Healthy relationships are a part of life’s balance. In fact, healthy relationships contribute to our happiness and overall well being by decreasing stress related incidents and increasing equanimity. Think of your body as a house would you build a house on a shaky foundation? No of course not, right? Then it would follow that relationships...
Is it cliché or is 60 the new 40? With 78 million baby boomers born from 1946 through 1964 they are about to face challenges that their parents and grandparents never did. This generation by way of sheer numbers will redefine and shift the nations attitudes and perceptions of aging. They have been written about by many and have become known as “Generation Ageless” because...
How many of us over the years have heard the saying two brains are better than one? Would you be surprised to find out that we do have two brains in our own body? Yes it turns out that the gut does have a mind of it’s own and it is known as the “enteric nervous system”. Just like the brain, which we identify as the mind, there is also a brain in our gut that is located in the tissue lining of our esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon. According to, Dr. Michael Gershon...
Over the last two decades there has been focused attention on the importance of emotional intelligence and remaining connected. The hypothesis is that the greater the emotional intelligence of the couples relationship the more successful the relationship. Emotional intelligence is a predictor of the “good enough” connection the couple have. What is really interesting about connection/attachment is that it is a sustaining force in our life from birth to death. It increases our chances...
Are you tired of the ineffectiveness of conventional treatments for depression? Are you relapse prone and seeking an alternative solution? Let’s reframe clinical depression as body imbalance. Balance is defined as a state of equilibrium and is composed of many elements that must work synergistically. The body’s balance is...
Yoga is an ancient mind-body practice with origins in Eastern Indian Philosophy. The word yoga in Sanskrit actually means to yoke or unite. Yoga combines physical postures (asanas) with breath-work (pranayama) and meditation (dhyana), concentration (dharana), relaxation, balance, strength, and stamina.
Current research on yoga suggests...
I thought we would begin by defining what beauty is. After researching the definition of beauty I was pleasantly surprised by what I found. Beauty in is purest form, according to generic definitions is described as a quality that a person or object possess, which is interpreted by the mind as a pleasurable experience, and is manifested through our bodily senses of sight...